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Your Outsourced IT Department

Join the many businesses in the Memphis area who already enjoy secure and reliable web hosting from Telelink

Modern Design

We make sure your website looks great on all devices


We help you adapt your content to get the most out of online search

Fast & Reliable Hosting

Our websites are hosted from data centers in the US on modern hardware

Weekly Backups

All web hosting plans include weekly backups

If you’re a new client please download our client worksheet. The information you provide will help us to better understand your needs and create a website that’ll help you beat the competition.

Download Client Worksheet

If you already have a website and need a more reliable host we can help get your site moved to our servers.

If you’re starting a new website and you’re not sure what the next step is – we can guide you through the process. We’ll help take your concept through planning and implementation.

On the technology site of things Telelink has got you covered. Our web servers are powered by the LAMP stack – Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. The industry standards for Linux powered web hosting. We develop most of your sites using WordPress, the content management system that powers around 30% of the web. if you have custom requirements we can also accommodate your needs.

With 99% up-time, technical support just a phone call or email away, and our in-house developers, we can handle every aspect of your web development project.

Call Telelink today on (901) 658-5552 to find out more about how we can help you get your web project off the ground.

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