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Your Outsourced IT Department

With our backup technology you can restore data in any way you like

Cloud Backup

All of your data is backed up to your personal back-up server or to the cloud

Data Recovery

Data can be recovered on a file-by-file basis or the whole system can be restored

Ransomware Detection

Detect when ransomware attacks and automatically rollback files


The whole operating system and your files can be virtualized in seconds which means zero downtime

Your business relies on your IT infrastructure working when you need it. If a computer or server goes down this could result in lost productivity and revenue, and data loss could damage your business irreversibly.

How IT failure can affect your business:

Loss of profitability – If your computers are down and your business is unable to process orders this means no profit. The longer your computers are down the more money is lost.

Loss of productivity – If staff are unable to work this results in reduced productivity and ultimately lost profits

Loss of confidence – Your businesses image relies on you being able to provide services to customers when they need it. If downtime that affects your ability to meet customers needs, those customers will go somewhere else

Long term cost – if your downtime involves data loss, this could affect your business for months or even years. The loss of important files could even spell the end of your business if important financial or client documents are lost

What issues can result in computer downtime and data loss?

Hardware failure – A workstation hard drive could fail, your network data server could experience data corruption. Hardware could also be damaged or lost through fire and even theft

Software failure – Your operating system could experience problematic update and refuse to boot. A virus or malware might find it’s way onto your computer and corrupt files or otherwise damage the system

Serious virus infection – A virus infection such as ransomware could encrypt your files and hold you ransom to release the files.

How Telelink’s Backup solutions will help you –

Using Telelink’s backup solutions all of your data is backed up to your personal back-up server or to the cloud. Data can be recovered on a file-by-file basis, or the whole system can even be restored.


This is one of our favorite features – In the event of a catastrophic failure a full machine restore can be performed, and if you need to wait for hardware to be replaced, the whole operating system (including your files and data) can be virtualized in seconds.

Ransomware Detection and Rapid Rollback

Ransomware has been all over the news recently, it’s a nasty type of virus that encrypts your data and holds you ransom to regain access. If you don’t pay the hackers your data is lost forever. The ransomware epidemic not only affects consumers and small business, government agencies all over the country have been affected in recent years.

Using normal backup solutions such as USB attached storage or network mounted drives is not enough, if ransomware attacks under these circumstances even your backups could be encrypted.

With Telelink’s ransomware detection and rapid rollback solution, we will know when ransomware is attacking your computer and immediately alert you. You can then use the Rapid Rollback feature to restore you files, perform a full system restore, or temporarily virtualize your system while the infection is cleaned – You’ll never have any downtime.

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