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Teleink is a VIPRE Antivirus partner, industry leading virus protection for consumer and business

VIPRE Antivirus

Anti-virus and anti-malware protection from the industry leader. Together with our Managed Services package we will keep you protected

Ransomware Protection

As part of our cloud backup solution and antivirus protection package you can recover from a Ransomware attack in minutes

Security Training

The majority of infections are from phishing attacks. We can train your staff how to sport a scam email and avoid social engineering attacks

Email Filtering

As part of our hosted email service we'll stop potentially harmful emails from reaching your computer

VIPRE is your best choice for virus protection

VIPRE antivirus is proven in its ability to detect and prevent prevalent malware and is strong in its extensive list of features. Although it is called antivirus software, it also detects and removes spyware, rootkits, bots and Trojans. Furthermore, it identifies any websites known to infect visitors’ PCs with viruses and Trojans.

It can also protect you from websites that try to steal your identity. If the attack is via email or instant messaging, VIPRE monitors those points of entry, just as it watches for threats attempting to infiltrate from removable storage media that plugs into USB ports.

For more information about Antivirus & Malware Protection Just fill out the form and we'll get back in touch: